Annual Reports
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2023 AGM Booklet
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AGM 2018 Booklet
Message from the Executive Manager
I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to be at the GIfA AGM and for the continuous support received from all; Mancom, committees, members, and non-members in the last 6 months. I can gratefully say that since May 2021 we have managed to shift a spiral down momentum into a positive turnaround, and it is satisfactory that we have accomplished some successes.
The hurdles encountered whilst trying to win back the trust of members, and the entire community due to COVID were overcome starting with moving to 52 Glenhove Road in July 2021. We aimed to host some physical events, build new relationships, and call members to re-join us. It was well rewarded. The main goals of this year were to be well-known for assisting, where we faltered before, and to grow the trust in GIfA which once was flimsy. In 2021, the Management Committee and others came together against all odds, and day by day we re-built strategically based on GIfA’s mission.
Throughout the year we assisted the Architects with Category 1 events garnering CPD points as organized by the different committees as follows: Practice 1.2 CPD points, Education 4.3 CPD Points, Heritage 2 CPD Points, Transformation 0.3 CPD Points, and GIfA Office 9.5 CPD Points. I can comfortably say that GIfA has evolved as an administrative office where we offer support to our members plus training, and mentorship to young students. At this point, we are hosting 8 interns and the numbers may grow as we move into the New Year.
Architecture Students will soon join us after their exam period. At this point, we are in a process of registering GIfA with CETA to facilitate support for a better environment and a financial reward for the students. Regarding assisting our current and future members, we have created different workshops promoting innovative talks and including well-recognized affiliates within South Africa and from other countries. Our mindset is adapting and with meticulous care, we have started forming dialogues and relationships with other organizations like UDISA (Urban Design Institute fo South Africa), SAIEE (SA Institute of Electrical Engineers), AAAMSA (Association of Architectural Aluminium Manufacturers of South Africa), and others. I trust we will form a collaborative relationship with many. Our 2022 Calendar is combining all kinds of activities, covers professional growth and social interaction with colleagues as well. Your association with GIfA will depend on You. We shall become the Association of Choice. Our Goal is to Embrace Architecture as a Major Profession with support to our Architects, plus we will cater for a healthier and richer path for All. I am looking forward to your participation, hoping for GIfA to achieve a greater reach in the industry with countless ties established by December 2022 with a positive growth of a few thousand new members. Thank you for your time, and please let me know how we can assist you?
Thank you