Urban Planning Principles
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GGT 2030
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GCRO Green Assets Report
Gauteng Heritage
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National Heritage Resources
Mapping of public art and locations of note in the Newtown Improvement District in Johannesburg:
One in every ten people lived in urban areas a century ago. Now, for the first time ever, most people live in cities. By 2050, the United Nations projects, almost three-quarters of the world’s population will call urban areas home. The majority of this growth is centered in struggling, developing countries of the Global South, but cities in developed (or Global North) countries face increasingly complex challenges as well.
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Architecture MPS
Professional Practice
Arch. Nadira Haripersadh
(06-10-22 GIfA Breakfast) ​
Dear GIfA Breakfast Meeting Attendee
Thank you for attending the Breakfast Meeting held on the6thof October 2022 at Doppio Zero, Rosebank. It was a pleasure to present to you, my perspective on the importance of universal design in the built environment. As Architects, it is critical that we ensure that our designs are inclusive of all end-users. As a follow-up to our meeting, I would like to share the references thatI mentioned for your further information.
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GIfA Breakfast
Site Development Plans are required by the Council:
(1.)A condition of an application, including consent use applications, as and when required by the Council; or
(2.)On all Use Zones other than erven zoned Residential 1" or land that is developed with a dwelling house only; or
(3.)For the development of any structures by any party on erven or sites with a "Public Open Space" use in terms of the Land Use Scheme; or
(4.)All erven within a registered Special Development Zone; or
(5.)On erven in an Environmental Control Area; or
(6.)Where required in any other part of the Land Use Scheme.
(7.)Such Site Development Plan shall be drawn at a scale of 1:500 or such other scale as may be required by the Council and shall be approved by the Council before any building plan in connection with the proposed development may be considered by the Council.
Education/ CPD Committee
Dr Judith Ojo-Aromokudu
(15 March 2022- GIfA Newsletter)
The Continuous Professional Development (CPD) committee is a subcommittee of the Education committee at GIfA. While Education committee focuses on matters of students and candidates training up to full registration, CPD committee focuses on the continuous professional development of registered persons. In terms of the Architectural Profession Act 2000 (Act 44 of 2000) all persons who are registered in a professional category, are required to undertake CPD over a 5-year cycle, in order to renew their registration. Registered persons are reminded that ‘the renewal date is determined by the year of current registration of the Registered Professional. CPD renewal must always take place on 1 January of the year indicated below, irrespective of the month of registration’ (www.sacapsa.com/services/continuing-professional-development ). Registered persons my claim CPD credits in three different categories as shown in the table.
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CPD Committee March 2022 NL
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Become an Architect
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GIfA Application for CPD accreditation