General Condition of Contract(GCC) Construction Workshop
Tue, 17 May
Time & Location
17 May 2022, 20:00 – 18 May 2022, 16:00
About the event
COURSE OUTLINE The General Conditions of Contract for Construction work (GCC) is drafted by the South African Institution of Civil Engineering. It is a building and construction agreement and although its intended purpose is for design by the employer, it is suitable for us as a design build agreement too. The GCC can be used for Civil, mechanical, electrical and building projects or a combination of these. The GCC agreement has been used extensively by the state for infrastructure and construction projects in South Africa. Session 1
- Introduction
- Some Definitions and important concepts.
- Works risk – guarantees and insurances.
Session 2
- The Contractor’s general obligations.
- The Programme.
- The role of the Employer’s Agent
Session 3
- Variations.
- Acceleration.
- Interim and final payments and processes.
Session 4
- Completion processes and certificates.
- Claims processes – Time and Money.
- Termination and dispute resolution.
Time: Session 1 08:00 - 10:00 Session 2 10:20 - 12:30 Session 3 13:00 -15:00 Session 4 15:10 - 17:00
Cost: Members R 1150.00 Non-Members R1550.00 (Incl. VAT)