GIfA Annual General Meeting and the Herbert Prins Colosseum Award Ceremony 30 November 2022
Wed, 30 Nov

Time & Location
30 Nov 2022, 18:00
Johannesburg, University of Johannesburg
About the event
GIfA is inviting you to our Annual General Meeting and the Herbert Prince Colosseum Awards Ceremony
The Colosseum was one of Johannesburg's great iconic and much-loved Art Deco theatres but was demolished in 1985 despite campaigns by architect Herbert Prins and concerned citizens. The Colosseum has become a symbol of the tremendous loss of past heritage that the city has suffered. Many of our significant iconic landmarks are now being preserved, restored, and retrofitted.
A record number of sixteen (16) submissions was received, and the panel of judges was impressed by the projects' exceptionally high standard and diversity.
All the submissions were reviewed and evaluated for the next stage of on-site inspection and the allocation of Awards.
After much debate and deliberation, a shortlist of ten buildings and two research projects were selected as unanimously agreed upon by the panel.
We will be celebrating the award winners.
CAT: 1 CPD: 0.6
GIfA members: Free
Non-members: R300.00
University of Johannesburg (FADA Auditorium)
GIfA Member
ZAR 0.00Sale endedNon-Member
ZAR 300.00+ZAR 7.50 ticket service feeSale ended
ZAR 0.00